Green wood floor coatings: Solid water-based topcoats


Solid green wood floor coatings have clear cornerstones.

Man cannot dominate the nature if he does not respect its rules.
Natura non nisi parendo vincitur, great philosopher Francis Bacon said.
He founded the scientific knowledge on nature knowledge.

This idea enlightened Solid researchers.
Nature as a safe port for docking and anchor raising.
Point of start and arrival point.
Solid topcoatings want to preserve air and human healthiness through the project Rennerlab – Eco Friendly.
Water is a dominant element.
Nature could not exist without water.
But Solid water-based topcoatings scrupulously shield wood nature without alterations, with respect and astonishment.

Click and discover SolidZero, the water-based topcoat zero gloss invisible on your parquet.

Vernici per parquet ecologiche

Green wood floor coatings

campione parquet